Smooth Skin Strategies: How You Can Fix Acne Scars

Mehedi Hasan
2 min readApr 20, 2022


There had been a million ideas and suggestions to help you to remove your acne. You had already tried and discarded most of these sought and even those unsolicited advice. Now, whether you decide to fix acne scars on your own or with the help of a competent dermatologist, please adjust your expectations accordingly.

A home remedy is chosen by people who prefer a more natural method to fix acne scars. Even home remedies have slight side effects, but they are generally safe for the skin and, not to mention, cheap. Baking soda is one of the home remedy exfoliants. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water. Rub the baking soda paste on your acne scars for one to two minutes, and then wash it off. Don’t forget to follow it up with a non-oily moisturizer.

Another home remedy is the pineapple pulp. The ascorbic acid in it will gently exfoliate and brighten your skin. Apply it to your face and rinse after 10 to 15 minutes. Another fruit pulp that you can use is papaya. There is a reason why this fruit extract is a popular ingredient in bath soaps. So, get the benefits directly from the fruit. Remember that these fruits may take longer to fix acne scars. It may take months for slight scars and may take years for deeper skin indentations.

With the help of a dermatologist, both of you can decide on a series of skincare treatments to fix acne scars. Acne scar treatments may be divided into three: non-ablative, semi-ablative, and ablative. The common denominator of these treatments is the stimulation of collagen production to replace the old and rough skin. If you cannot afford these more expensive treatments, then look for products or solutions involving collagen production in the body and proceed to exfoliation.

Non-ablative treatments are those with zero medication and almost zero recovery time. It may include chemical peels, photo facial, V-beam laser, and other treatments. Semi-ablative treatments are slightly stronger skincare treatments that may require some recovery time. Fractional resurfacing is one example. Significant results can be seen as early as the second treatment. Ablative treatments require medications and, at least, seven days of healing after treatment. Most are composed of two types of treatment and are also recommended for severe acne and acne scars. CO2 laser coupled fibroblast cell growth factor (FGF) treatment can stimulate the dermis to revive smoother skin. It needs dressing, so you can’t do this during your break time or lunch hour.

So… do you want to get more tips and learn more on how to really get rid of acne and other related health topics:



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